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Clicker training
Rewards and dopamine: what happens when we clicker train? (video of Dr. Robert Sapolsky speaking about brain dopamine)
Training in general
"Balanced" dog training: Think "balanced" dog training sounds like a good thing? Think again. (Laurie Luck)
Dog behavior and behavior modification
Advice on aggression from U.C. Davis: listen for the words, "diagnosis," "treatment plan," and "positive reinforcement." A veterinarian needs to rule out medical causes for the aggression, make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment plan for "behavior modification" that includes "positive reinforcement" by a qualified professional dog trainer.
Breed specific legislation
Adjuncts for the management of anxiety in dogs
Dog development, socialization and early training
Puppy socialization and habituation: why is it necessary? (Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors)
Dog breeds
Positive vs. negative reinforcement
Study report: the effects of combining positive and negative reinforcement during training (Nicole A. Murrey, University of North Texas)
Dog health and safety
Training dogs with help of the shock collar: short & long term behavioral effects (Matthijs B.H. Schilder and Joanne A.M. van der Borg)
Electronic training devices: a review of current literature (Jo Jacques, CPDT, CPCT and Sandy Myers, CDBC)
Activities for you and your dog!
Canine musical freestyle
Puppy mills
Adopt a dog!
Columbia Second Chance - no -kill rescue in central Missouri
Kiss the Animals Goodbye: this is a heartbreaking video but a reality that occurs every day in shelters across the country and around the world. It is a story that needs to be told. Don't take pet ownership lightly. Spay and neuter your pets to prevent overpopulation and unwanted animals that end up in shelters!
Kiss the Animals Goodbye: this is a heartbreaking video but a reality that occurs every day in shelters across the country and around the world. It is a story that needs to be told. Don't take pet ownership lightly. Spay and neuter your pets to prevent overpopulation and unwanted animals that end up in shelters!
Vinnie, dog with aggression issues adopted from high-kill shelter - watch him perform his tricks! (Youtube video)
Vinnie, 13 year-old poodle with behavior problems adopted from a shelter - watch him do his new tricks! (Youtube video)
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